Following my passion to write has been the self-therapy I needed to really know and share my true self. And that has been rewarded with finding my “happily ever after” with a partner!
Nineteen years ago, I quit my corporate job to write full time, and amassed a stack of rejection letters. A friend’s husband suggested I contact the local times. I happened to serve on the United Way’s board with the publisher of the local newspaper, The Gainesville Sun. I called him and left a message. He returned my call leaving a name and number for me to call. Eventually, the local paper launched my column “Naked Relationships,” which was later picked up by Creators Syndicate. It ran for ten years; and Hampton Roads published my book under the same title, “Naked Relationships … sharing your authentic self to find the partner of your dreams.” My last book, “Innately Good,” was published by HCI, Health Communications Inc. I haven’t met with much commercial success; but I am grateful, with no regrets. Turns out, when you follow your passion, the financial rewards don’t matter so much!
And it seems fitting today to pay tribute to those who have done what they could find to do with true integrity, and a deep knowing that that was enough!