Happiness is a choice, but accepting yourself is a prerequisite. And to accept yourself, you need only know yourself. You are a precious masterpiece. … More
Diminish or Nurture …
Gratitude grows more of what you want, including the love within you.… More
Wouldn’t it feel good to take the mask off?
… More
The sacred reality …
Especially in trying to attract the “right” partner, you may present what you hope will win approval. But in the process, you hide what is sacred. And only the authentic self can attract the “right” partner. Only the authentic self can live the life you want to live.… More
Dear Friends: What to Do Now?
When you’re not sure what to do, just let love displace fear. Let truth displace lies. Let go instead of clinging. Trust instead of doubting. Forgive yourself instead of feeling guilty. Accept responsibility instead of being defensive or assigning blame to somebody else. See what you have in common rather than focusing on the differences. Stay present rather than regretting the past or fretting about the future. Choose happiness over self-pity, ego, anger, greed, or control.
And play big — choose as though you cannot fail. You can’t, because love can’t.
Love smiles on you,… More