Thank You!
Thank you, I am thoroughly enjoying the book and carry it with me at all times. Toni Noto B.
I couldn’t put it down!
Never have I paid so little for so much insight, wisdom and inspiration. Your book The Person I Don’t Have Time To Be was so incredible. More incredible was the fact that I actually found (or should I say made) the time to sit down and read it all at once. It was like eating chocolate, once I started, I couldn’t put it down! . . . You are a special person and are blessed with expressing the way most of us probably feel! Jeanette Marshall
Jan’s aphorisms are a reflection of who she really is. And they will brighten the pathway of any reader seeking to know his or her own truth. Elizabeth Dandron, author of To Climb a Glass Mountain
I agree
Sunday I read your book The Person I Don’t Have Time To Be. I was pleased to discover how many of your thoughts that I could just sit and shake my head yes to. It didn’t take too long before I had a tear rolling down each cheek. The thoughts and actions that you describe occur one by one and don’t seem to be a big deal at the time. But to see them listed one after another is overwhelming. I would like you to send me five more books that I might share with loved ones. Roy